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1 vor einem Jahr
I find it hilarious that on Felix"s profile page, his penis size is listed as "Small", but one of the most used tags in his BoyfriendTV content is "big cock"... What a contradiction! 🧐🙄
1 vor einem Jahr
The truth is that his dick is neither big, nor small, it"s quite simply AVERAGE (as measured in a global scale)
& truth be told, almost the poster version of that size.
His cock is quite sexy, but imo (& I"m fully aware that it is not a popular opinion) it would be even sexier if it was ACTUALLY small, i.e. AT LEAST half its size in length & girth. 😉😏
1 vor einem Jahr
I miss Felix He"s so damn cute!!
2 Jahre vorher
Can we please remove the penis size. It"s irrelevent and sexist.
2 Jahre vorher
I would love to fuck him hard
3 Jahre vorher
I would love to have sex with Felix Russo and let him cum and urinate down my throat and inside my ass
3 Jahre vorher
I love this boy ❤
3 Jahre vorher
3 Jahre vorher
very cute sexy boy :)
4 Jahre vorher
felix you are so awesome ,do you have a dvd?
4 Jahre vorher
I realy love this boys tanned body. Boys like Felix should be fucked a lot. I adore close ups from his ass.
4 Jahre vorher
I never met a boy as cute, as sexy as Felix. I don't agree with his date of bith because there are many movies with cute, hot, sexy, lovable Felix that go back many more years. But for watching him: It doesn't matter: he makes me horny as hell!
4 Jahre vorher
wonderful bareback-stought
5 Jahre vorher
Felix is one of my favs, cute face and a beautiful ass.